Financial Audits

Fiscal Emergency Declared for Madison Township in Fairfield County after Auditors Identify Fund Deficits

For Immediate Release

COLUMBUS – Auditor of State Keith Faber declared a fiscal emergency Thursday for Madison Township in Fairfield County, after an analysis of the township’s finances confirmed fund deficits that exceeded what is allowed under state law.

Findings for Recovery Issued Against Crosby Township Fiscal Officers for Penalties and Interest from Late Payments

For Immediate Release

COLUMBUS – Findings for recovery of more than $54,600 were issued Thursday against fiscal officers for Crosby Township in Hamilton County over penalties and fees charged for late tax and other payments.

Annual Compliance and Control Review of JobsOhio Released

For Immediate Release

COLUMBUS – The Auditor of State’s Office has released the fiscal year 2024 compliance and control review of JobsOhio, the private nonprofit corporation created by the state to promote economic development and job creation.

Finding for Recovery of $5,804 Issued Over Fraudulent Checks that Resulted from Failed Bank Reconciliations

For Immediate Release

COLUMBUS – A finding for recovery of $5,804 was issued Thursday against the former fiscal officer of Jefferson Township in Montgomery County over fraudulent checks that resulted from her failure to complete monthly bank account reconciliations.

Finding for Recovery of $69,698.48 Issued Against Former Sylvania Township Officer Over Insurance Premiums Paid for Second Spouse

For Immediate Release

COLUMBUS — A finding for recovery of $69,698.48 was issued Tuesday against a former Sylvania Township police officer, who improperly added a second wife to his township health insurance coverage.


Auditor Faber Announces Qualifiers for Auditor of State Awards with Distinction

For Immediate Release

COLUMBUS — Recent financial audits of these entities by Auditor of State Keith Faber have returned clean audit reports. Their record keeping has qualified them for the Auditor of State Award with Distinction.

Auditor Questions State Financial Statement

Qualified Opinion Included in State of Ohio Audit

Finding for Adjustment Totaling Over $4.4 Million Issued to City of Youngstown

Auditor of State Keith Faber today released the 2018 audit of the City of Youngstown. The audit contained multiple findings including deficiencies, material weaknesses in internal controls, and noncompliance that have resulted in a $4.4 million finding for adjustment.

Auditor Faber Finds City of Youngstown Issued More Than $4 Million in Improper Loans and Grants

Auditor of State Keith Faber found that the City of Youngstown incurred $4,462,662 in inappropriate expenses from the Water, Sewer, and Environmental Sanitation fund.

Audit on Townsend Community School Highlights Need for Clearer Funding Guidelines for Blended Learning Community Schools

An audit report released today by Auditor of State Keith Faber finds that Townsend Community School, a blended learning school in Erie County, operated out of compliance with Ohio law. The situation illustrates deficiencies in Ohio’s current law controlling how blended learning community schools operate.

Beavercreek Township Audit Reveals Lack of Timely Payments

A financial audit released today orders Fiscal Officer Christy Ahrens to repay Beavercreek Township $2,015 for late fees and interest because of untimely payments.

Audit of Dayton Early College Academy Reveals More Than 44k in Findings

A state audit of Dayton Early College Academy in Montgomery County reported $44,725 in improper credit card purchases between January 2010 and February 2017.

Audits Report Public Money Overpaid and Under Billed in Smith Township and Village of Sebring Fire and EMS Contract

A state audit issued today for Smith Township reports an overpayment of $48,716 from the Township to the Village of Sebring fire and EMS. Additionally, a separate audit issued today for the Village of Sebring reported a finding for recovery of public monies for $110,020 against the Village fire chief James Cannell and Smith Township.  

Former Struthers Employee Received Unemployment Benefits Despite Conviction

A conviction for tampering with records should have disqualified a former City of Struthers (Mahoning County) employee from receiving more than $800 in unemployment benefits, state auditors reported today. 

Audit Reports Debit Card Misuse at Village of Green Camp

A state audit released today questions debit card spending of almost $2,500 by a former Village of Green Camp official.  

Audit Details Theft of Almost $70K From Strongsville City School District

A state audit released today shows the extent of a theft committed by a former Strongsville City Schools employee who was sentenced in October to nine months in prison. 

Report Finds $85,000 in Undocumented Spending by Pike County Convention Bureau Chief

The executive director of the Pike County Convention and Visitors Bureau used the bureau’s credit card and checking account to pay for $85,390 in undocumented expenses, according to an audit released today by Auditor of State Dave Yost. 

Audit of Lawrence County ESC Reports Improper Spending of Over $62K

A state audit released today uncovered additional improper spending of more than $62,000 by the Lawrence County Educational Service Center (ESC).

Audit of Adams Township Questions Credit Card Purchases

Adams Township in Washington County lacked records to support more than $2,000 in credit card purchases from 2016 and 2017, state auditors found.

Athletic Director Owes $700 for Missing Ticket Revenue

An athletic director owes $700 to the Mansfield City School District for missing ticket revenue, state auditors reported today.

Audit Reports Missing Marching Band Fees at Northwest Local School District

A former high school band director has repaid about $1,500 to the Northwest Local School District following a state audit that identified a shortage of marching band participation fees. 

Former Employee Owes More Than $10K to Paulding Soil and Water Conservation District

A former program administrator charged with theft in office owes more than $10,000 to the Paulding County Soil and Water Conservation District, state auditors found.